{ "version": 3, "sources": ["../JavaScript/index.ts"], "sourcesContent": ["// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n//\n// This is the root file containing any TypeScript/JavaScript you want to execute in addition to the Blazor project. Blazor can easily\n// call into JavaScript, and - should Blazor provide a context object - JavaScript can call back into Blazor.\n//\n// Note that this file is where the rest of the JavaScript for this project gets bundled. You MUST use the \n// 'import { Thing } from './file';' syntax here, something which Visual Studio is pretty good at helping out with by using intellisense.\n//\n// TypeScript files aren't built individually on demand like in Zen, and any orphaned TS/JS files not imported elsewhere will NOT be built \n// into the final JS bundle. Have a look at 'Trident.Zen.UI.KPI.StaticContent's JavaScript directory for an example of how to use this file.\n//\n// The bundled file will be placed as 'index.js' in this project's wwwroot folder. If any stylesheets are imported in this file, or any included\n// TypeScript file, a 'style.css' bundle will also be present. Any assets in this project's wwwroot folder are accessible in the main \n// Trident.Zen.UI project, so you can also other relevant assets such as images there.\n//\n// If you want to add an external library, open a console in this project's root directory and run 'npm install {libraryName}'. Visual\n// Studio has a 'Developer PowerShell' window you can open via 'Tools/Command Line/Developer PowerShell' that can be easy to use. To then\n// use the library, add an import statement such as import * from 'SomeLibrary'; or import { AFunction } from 'AnotherLibrary';\n// Intellisense is pretty good at picking up installed NPM packages, even when you have not yet added code from those libraries to any files,\n// so you can give that a go to help manage your imports automatically.\n//\n// If you don't need any static stylesheet support, simply delete the import statement below. Do note that if other TypeScript files you pull in\n// import their own styles, either in a blanket way like below, or via a mechanism such as CSS Modules, you may still get a style.css file output\n// in your wwwroot directory. If you can be sure that no file will exist, feel free to remove '.AddAssemblyStaticCss()' from this project's\n// ProjectStatup.cs file to remove a 404 error that may appear.\n// \n// If you need static SCSS stylesheet support, but don't need JavaScript support, remove '.AddAssemblyStaticJavaScript()' from this project's\n// ProjectStartup.cs, but keep the import statement below and do not remove this file. Node/NPM and ESBuild are still used to compile and\n// bundle SCSS files, even if no actual JavaScript is output.\n//\n// If you don't need JavaScript AND you don't need static SCSS stylesheet support at all, you can delete this StaticContent project completely.\n// Be sure to remove the '.AddCopyStaticContent()' line from your main Trident.Zen.UI.Copy project.\n//\n// ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------\n\n// If you don't need static SCSS style support (As in, you're only using Blazor Scoped CSS), then you can delete the import line below.\n// If you do, also be sure to remove '.AddAssemblyStaticCss()' from ProjectStartup.cs to avoid a frontend 404 error.\nimport '../Styles/styles.scss';\n\n// Example code that will be visible when you run the project.\nconsole.log(\"JavaScript for Trident.Zen.UI.Copy has been loaded\");\n"], "mappings": "mBAwCA,QAAQ,IAAI,oDAAoD", "names": [] }